How To Keep Your Home’s Air Clean

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While we can enjoy a big sigh of relief to have that orange sky behind us, it reminds us to keep our home’s air as clean as possible. The tips offered below from the American Lung Association may remind you of the shorter and longer term practices to breathe easier every day!

Know the Limitations of Air Purifiers - Air cleaning devices can help reduce some of the tiniest airborne particles, and as part of a comprehensive strategy, may help reduce indoor air pollution.

Clean Your Air Conditioner and Dehumidifier - Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner when needed, and clean both regularly. However, they aren't effective against gases or humidity. Larger, heavier particles — including many allergens — fall too quickly out of the air to be effectively removed this way.

Ventilate Your Kitchen - Scientists who measured indoor air quality found that cooking a single meal on a gas stove can produce levels of nitrogen dioxide that the EPA considers unsafe to breathe. Ventilate your stove with an oven fan or open a kitchen window when you cook.

Ventilate the Bathroom - A little common sense goes a long way. If a bathroom smells like mold or you can see water spots, you need to reduce the moisture. Consider installing a fan with a separate timer that can continue to remove moisture after you turn out the light.

Don't Allow Smoking Indoors - The Surgeon General states there is no safe level of secondhand smoke. Ask smokers to take it outside.

Test for Radon - Your home may be harboring a lethal, invisible killer — radon. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers and the second-leading cause of lung cancer, period. Scientists estimate that radon causes thousands of deaths annually.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector – This type of poisoning claims the lives of over 400 people each year and thousands of others become ill or seek medical attention after exposure to the odorless gas. It’s called the invisible killer for a reason. Don’t let your loved ones fall prey.

Don't Idle the Car in the Garage - Burning gas or other fuels indoors can produce dangerous levels of indoor air pollution and deadly carbon monoxide. To that point, you should also only use gas stoves and heaters that vent directly to the outside. Never use charcoal grills indoors.

Reduce Carpeting - Carpet traps unhealthy particles — including chemicals, dust mites, pet dander, dirt and fungi — and vacuuming can make them airborne. If you do have carpets, use a HEPA (high efficiency particle air) vacuum cleaner to ensure better air quality.

Clean Up After Your Pet - Pet allergies can come from an animal’s saliva, urine, feces and dead skin cells, so no pet is “hypoallergenic.” If you're sensitive to pet allergens, keep furry friends away from sleeping rooms. Clean floors and upholstered furniture frequently (two or more times a week) to reduce exposure.

Kill Dust Mites - Dust allergies are actually allergies to dust mites — microscopic pests that need moisture to survive. Dust mites feed on human skin and live in bedding, pillows, mattresses, stuffed toys, upholstery, and carpets. To fight dust mites in your home try these steps: 1. Keep humidity levels below 50% with a dehumidifier. 2. Vacuum and steam clean upholstered furniture. 3. Remove carpets. 4. Use dust-mite-resistant covers and wash bedding in very hot water.

Avoid Toxic Products - Hair and nail products, cleaning products, art and hobby supplies and other common products can increase the levels of VOCs. Look for products that are marked “low VOCs” and be sure to open windows and use exhaust fans when using these products.

Avoid Pesticides While Keeping Pests Away - Pesticides can bring harmful chemicals into your home and may cause added health dangers to children and pets.  Practice "integrated pest management" to keep your home free of pests and harmful chemicals alike. Keep food in tightly sealed containers; seal or cover your trash cans; keep your floors and counter free of crumbs; use bait traps to catch pests. Only use chemicals as a last resort, and do so wisely.

Avoid Asbestos – This mineral fiber can still be found in many older homes and inhaling these tiny fibers can increase the risk of lung cancer and other lung diseases. Pipe coverings, flooring, shingles and roofs are likely places to find it. If you’ve got it in your home and can’t remove it professionally (do not attempt this your self!), be sure to check asbestos-containing materials regularly for damage.

Be Wary of Lead Paint - Lead-based paints can still be found in homes built before 1978. Young children risk delays in mental development, lower IQ and behavioral problems from inhaling lead paint dust. Some of those damages can be permanent. Remodeling that requires sanding, scraping or removing walls will release paint dust into your living space. However, you can reduce the risk if you keep areas where children play as dust-free as possible; leave lead-based paint undisturbed if it is in good condition. do not sand or burn off paint that may contain lead;  do not remove lead paint yourself. If your work environment contains lead, change clothes and use doormats before entering your home.

Beware Formaldehyde – This gas is found in many home products, like disinfectants, adhesive, insecticides, and particle board. It is a carcinogen and can cause health problems that include coughing, eye, nose, and throat irritation, skin rashes and asthma-like symptoms. People with asthma may be more sensitive to formaldehyde. Keep formaldehyde away from your home by choosing wood panel products that are not made with formaldehyde glues, lumber or materials.

Ventilate to Control Humidity - Proper ventilation is one of the best ways to protect and improve the air in your home. High levels of moisture increase dampness and the growth of mold, which can lead to wheezing, coughing, and asthma attacks in people with allergies. Normal daily household activities — including cooking, washing, and even breathing — produce water vapor, so having adequate ventilation is essential.

Fix Leaks - Rain and high humidity can bring moisture indoors, which can lead to mold and mildew. Dampness alone — even without mold — is associated with higher risk of wheezing, coughing and asthma symptoms. Check your roof, foundation, and basement once a year to catch leaks or moisture problems and route water away from your home’s foundation.

Beware Dry Cleaning Chemicals - Let dry-cleaned items air outdoors before bringing them inside to prevent chemicals from entering your home.

Do you have other ideas to keep your home air clean? I’d love to hear from you. And if you want to keep up to date on real estate in Marin County, just let me know. Things are moving quickly in this low interest rate market! Please give me a call! Tracy Curtis, Coldwell Banker Realty, 415-910-0599.

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