What Does Your Dog Breed Say About Your Home Life?

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Certainly one of the advantages to home ownership has to do with bringing a four-legged friend into your family. And studies show the dog breed you choose may tell a lot about your own personality. The following are a few generalizations about how a certain breed says about your home life. The suggestions come from Cesar, The Dog Whisperer. Tell me what you think of them!

Australian Shepherds are active and thoroughly enjoy being outside. Owners of this breed enjoy playing Frisbee at the beach, going to the park, and camping outdoors. They have a passion for living life to the fullest and are said to have a lot of friends. Aussie owners can be competitive, especially when it comes to sports.

Beagles and their owners are inquisitive, loyal, and willing to learn new things. They can also have a mischievous side. They also tend to be open to new experiences, curious, willful, and make great friends and bring laughter and joy to everyone’s lives.

Bichon Frise people enjoy being pampered and are considerate of their appearance. They are naturally sociable and are the happiest when they are part of a family or among a group of friends. They are self-assured and gravitate towards a classy lifestyle. They are often wine connoisseurs and art aficionados who enjoy dining at 4-star restaurants and being seen around the town.

Boxers are busy dogs that exude high amounts of energy. People that own Boxers are said to live life to the fullest and are known to be extremely playful. Boxer owners are busy, love life, and quickly welcome strangers as new friends. Boxers banish stress with their silly and playful demeanor and their owners are generally happy-go-lucky people.

Bulldogs are determined, persistent, and do not give up easily. People who own bulldogs are said to be silly and love to laugh but can be viewed as stubborn at times, yet are also extremely efficient and methodical in completing tasks. While they appear intimidating, bulldogs are gentle and loving, known for being hopeless romantics and possess a sentimental streak.

Cocker Spaniels are sweet, respectful, and gentle. Their owners are charming, trustworthy, and affectionate. They lead busy lives but put spending time with their family is first. They maintain a group of close lifelong friends, which they much prefer to spending time with strangers.

Dachshunds are stubborn and brave, often acting as if invincible. When owners of dachshunds want something, they don’t give up until they get it. Dachshund owners love gardening and just like the dogs, digging up things. They can sometimes be bossy and often dislike not getting their own way.

Doberman Pinschers owners can be very serious, intense, and determined. Owners are natural leaders, and they love to plan and organize a situation. People who live with dobermans are said to be very organized and go about achieving their goals in a polite yet firm fashion.

English Pointers, Weimaraners, Irish Setters breeds are naturally alert, likable, and well-rounded companions. Owners of these breeds enjoy being active, outdoor activities, and hunting. They have a great sense of courage, are highly intelligent, easily excited, and motivated. These breeds are very energetic and their owners enjoy intense activities such as all day hiking and extreme sports. They can get bored easily if not subjected to new experiences.

German shepherds are sometimes shy around strangers but warm up once they get to know you. Owners of German shepherds would do anything for their friends and make extremely loyal companions that are protective of those that they love.

Great Dane people are good-hearted and responsible. They tend to work hard and put one hundred percent into everything they do. Great dane owners enjoy staying up on news and current events and welcome the chance to debate important issues with others. This breed tends to be serious and enjoys relaxing around the house after the workday is done.

Greyhound, Whippet, Basenji (Sight Hound Group) owners tend to be more relaxed, calm, and introverted. Sight hounds enjoy the company of close groups of friends and prefer social outings with small groups to parties. They are highly organized, curious, and always alert. People who own sight hounds are fast and agile and often excel at sports, especially track and field.

Labs and Golden Retrievers owners are friendly, good-natured, and make wonderful companions. Labs and Goldens are known for having an active lifestyle and loving the outdoors. They tend to be social butterflies, honest and lovable.

Mixed/Mutt owners are fun loving, open minded, and carefree. They enjoy coasting along and riding the wave of life over following strict and rigid plans. They don’t sweat the small stuff and keep their eye on the bigger picture. In their spare time, mutt owners are often seen volunteering or spending time with a diverse group of friends.

Pit bulls owners have a strong desire to please and will do anything for family and friends. Like their pets, they are courageous, full of vitality, and are constantly looking out for those they love. They enjoy being around children and make excellent parents and grandparents. There is no better babysitter than a pit bull.

Poodles, Chihuahuas and Toy Breed owners of these breeds are sincere, fun loving, and loyal. Toy breed owners are said to love traveling since the small dogs make excellent travel partners and can be easily put into a carrier. Owners of these dogs take pride in their appearance, are very neat and keep very orderly homes. They are very versatile and can enjoy evenings in with a bottle of wine or a night out partying on the town.

Pugs are often viewed as the “class clowns” of the canine species. Pug parents are cheerful and have a zest for living life to the fullest. Just like pugs who will do anything for a good belly rub, their owners enjoy frequent massages and days of pampering at the spa.

Rottweilers are determined and are often described as intense, command a certain amount of respect and is considered to be a courageous breed. People that have rottweilers are confident and are loyal and devoted to their friends and loved ones. They are laid back but quick to react if someone rubs them the wrong way.

Siberian Husky owners are huge sports fans. Owners of huskies enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and outdoor sports. They can be strong willed but are lovable and welcoming to strangers.

Terriers are energetic, fun loving, and playful companions. People who own terriers are said to be flexible and able to focus on the task at hand. Just like the dogs, terrier owners are often feisty, brave, and competitive. They are extremely talkative and have good sense of humor.

So what do you think? Do you agree - disagree? I'd love to hear what you think and would also love to learn which are the most dog friendly neighborhoods in Marin County. I look forward to hearing from you. You can always find me at Coldwell Banker Realty!

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Tracy Curtis